Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just for fun

Name generator


1º ESI B said...

Your Hawaiian Name is:
Bane Mauli

Your French Name is:
Granville Germain

Your Japanese Name Is...
Kisho Karasuma

Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Tomorrow Nova
Your Superpower is Telepathy
Your Weakness is Balloons
Your Weapon is Your Lunar Nunchucks
Your Mode of Transportation is Sleigh

Your Russian Name Is...
Olezka Boryenka Solovyov

Your Irish Name Is...
Oisin O'Reilly

Your Hippie Chick Name Is:

Oscar Molina Salvador

1º ESI B said...

Your Hawaiian Name is:
Konane Keahi

Your French Name is:
Foster Carpentier

Your Japanese Name Is...
Yuu Takashi

Your Superhero Profile:
Your Superhero Name is The Squirrel Torpedo
Your Superpower is Undead
Your Weakness is French People
Your Weapon is Your Foam Saw
Your Mode of Transportation is Llama

Your Russian Name Is...
Boryenka Bolodenka Sokolov

Your Irish Name Is...
Kane Butler

Your Hippie Chick Name Is:

1º ESI B said...

2= Daniel Mendoza Hidalgo

1º ESI B said...

Your Hawaiian Name is:
Mamo Kane

Your French Name is:
Vardon Leonard

You Japanese Name is:
Shin Onimusha

Your Russian Name Is:
Maksimillian Yerik Novikov

Your Irish Name Is:
Oisin O'Sullivan

Your Hippie Chick Name Is:
Vega <---Stret Fighter lol?

Your Superhero Profile:
Your Superhero Name is: The Wild Justice
Your Superpower is: Spiritual
Your Weakness is: Fish
Your Weapon is: Your Mind Dagger
Your Mode of Transportation is: Segway

Adrian Galindo

1º ESI B said...

my hawaiian name is :
Bane Keona

my french names is :
Roland Alexandre

my japanese names is :
Ryozo Kato

Your Superhero Name is The Sand Arrow

Your Superpower is Extra-dimensional

Your Weakness is Blood

Your Weapon is Your Wind Blade

Your Mode of Transportation is Scooter
my irish names is :
Fursey Kennedy
my hippie names is :

1º ESI B said...

by josep zarzoso

1º ESI B said...

Your Russian Name Is...
Pashenka Zivon Smirnov
Lono Meka
Your Hawaiian Name is:lono mekaYour French Name is:
Luc Dupin
Your Irish Name Is...
Fachnan Higgins
Your Superhero Profile
Your Superhero Name is The Light Bull
Your Superpower is Nanotechnology
Your Weakness is Quizzes
Your Weapon is Your Silver Revolver
Your Mode of Transportation is Sled
Ruben Parralejo

1º ESI B said...

Please, correct your comments. You have to say "My......"instead of "your.....".


1º ESI B said...

My Hawaiian Name is:
Bane Mauli

My French Name is:
Granville Germain

My Japanese Name Is...
Kisho Karasuma

My Superhero Profile
My Superhero Name is The Tomorrow Nova
My Superpower is Telepathy
My Weakness is Balloons
My Weapon is Your Lunar Nunchucks
My Mode of Transportation is Sleigh

My Russian Name Is...
Olezka Boryenka Solovyov
My Irish Name Is...
Oisin O'Reilly
My Hippie Chick Name Is:

PS: Now, are you happy? ¬¬'

Oscar Molina Salvador

1º ESI B said...

My Hawaiian Name is:
Kai Kale

My French Name is:
Xavier Dumas

My Japanese Name Is...
Mamoru Inokuma

Your Superhero Name is The Animal Mouse
Your Superpower is Ancient lore
Your Weakness is Color Purple
Your Weapon is Your Power Boomerang
Your Mode of Transportation is Zebra

My Russian Name Is:
Dimitrios Yerik Solovyov

My Irish Name Is:
Owen McKenna

My Hippie Chick Name Is:

Jonatan pardo giménez

1º ESI B said...

My Hawaiian Name is:
Konane Keahi

My French Name is:
Foster Carpentier

My Japanese Name Is...
Yuu Takashi

My Superhero Profile:
My Superhero Name is The Squirrel Torpedo
My Superpower is Undead
My Weakness is French People
My Weapon is Your Foam Saw
My Mode of Transportation is Llama

My Russian Name Is...
Boryenka Bolodenka Sokolov

My Irish Name Is...
Kane Butler

My Hippie Chick Name Is:

Daniel Mendozaaaaaa

1º ESI B said...

My Hawaiian Name is:
Kahoku Kale

My French Name is:
Luce Dufaux

My Japanese Name Is...
Toshi Heike

My Superhero Profile
My Superhero Name is The Shadow Stalker
My Superpower is Divine intervention
My Weakness is Crystals
My Weapon is Your Invisible Ring
My Mode of Transportation is Moped

My Russian Name Is...
Stanislov Pashenka Popov

My Irish Name Is...
Gerard Browne

MY Hippie Chick Name Is:
Moon ¬¬"

Carlos ;)

1º ESI B said...

my hawaiian name is :
Bane Keona

my french names is :
Roland Alexandre

my japanese names is :
Ryozo Kato

my Superhero Name is The Sand Arrow

my Superpower is Extra-dimensional

my Weakness is Blood

my Weapon is Your Wind Blade

my Mode of Transportation is Scooter
my irish names is :
Fursey Kennedy
my hippie names is :
by josep zarzoso

1º ESI B said...

My Hawaiian Name is:
Mamo Kane

My French Name is:
Vardon Leonard

My Japanese Name is:
Shin Onimusha

My Russian Name Is:
Maksimillian Yerik Novikov

My Irish Name Is:
Oisin O'Sullivan

My Hippie Chick Name Is:
Vega <---Stret Fighter lol?

My Superhero Profile:
My Superhero Name is: The Wild Justice
My Superpower is: Spiritual
My Weakness is: Fish
My Weapon is: Your Mind Dagger
My Mode of Transportation is: Segway

Adrian Galindo

1º ESI B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
1º ESI B said...

My Russian Name is :
Konstantine Motka Solovyov

My Irish Name Is:
Buagh O'Keefe

My Hippie Chick Name is:

My Hawaiian Name is:
Keona Kale

My French Name is:

Hamlin Jacob

My Japanese Name is:
Teraku Matsuki

My Superhero Profile:

My Superhero Name is The Techni Spear
My Superpower is Kissing
My Weakness is Midgets
My Weapon is Your Poison Slingshot
My Mode of Transportation is Bubble

Marc Panisello Chiva

1º ESI B said...

My Russian Name Is...
Pashenka Zivon Smirnov
Lono Meka
My Hawaiian Name is:lono mekaYour French Name is:
Luc Dupin
My Irish Name Is...
Fachnan Higgins
My Superhero Profile
My Superhero Name is The Light Bull
My Superpower is Nanotechnology
My Weakness is Quizzes
My Weapon is Your Silver Revolver
My Mode of Transportation is Sled
Ruben Parralejo

1º ESI B said...

My Hawaiian Name is:
Kai Kale

My French Name is:
Xavier Dumas

My Japanese Name Is...
Mamoru Inokuma

My Superhero Name is The Animal Mouse
My Superpower is Ancient lore
My Weakness is Color Purple
My Weapon is Your Power Boomerang
My Mode of Transportation is Zebra

My Russian Name Is:
Dimitrios Yerik Solovyov

My Irish Name Is:
Owen McKenna

My Hippie Chick Name Is:

Jonatan pardo giménez